This narrative centers around the former President of the United States, Donald Trump, and his reported engagement with Bitcoin enthusiasts in Puerto Rico. These ‘bitcoiners’ convinced Trump about the potentials and profit margins linked with the cryptocurrency market.
Three influential Bitcoin enthusiasts based in Puerto Rico, termed here as ‘bitcoiners,’ were able to convince Trump about Bitcoin’s potential profit margins. The situation developed in Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory that serves as an attractive destination for crypto entrepreneurs due to its tax incentives that essentially allow American citizens to avoid capital gains tax.
These enthusiasts were able to ‘orange-pill’ Trump – a term derived from the ‘red pill’ trope in the Matrix franchise, used in the context of Bitcoin to signify the process of understanding and accepting the currency’s potential. This further implies that Trump was convinced about the long-term stability and promise that Bitcoin holds as a form of investment, perhaps even seeing it as a future global reserve currency.
Substantial promise offered to Trump involved a rumored $100 million. However, the narrative does not explicitly detail whether this $100 million was in Bitcoin or another form of value storage. It could be speculated that this whopping sum triggered Trump’s interest and motivated him to explore the world of Bitcoin further, thus getting ‘orange-pilled.’
In summation, three Bitcoin enthusiasts in Puerto Rico played a major role in swaying Trump towards acknowledging and understanding the value potential in Bitcoin trading, indicated by the promise of massive profits.