Donald Trump, the former President of the United States is employing a familiar tactic from his political playbook: raising questions about the nationality and ethnic identity of a high-ranking Democrat of color, this time Vice President Kamala Harris. This echoes his previous attacks on former president Barack Obama during his presidency.
During his presidency, Trump has a notorious record of attacking high-profile Democrats of color. In the past, he employed ‘birtherism’ conspiracies, particularly against Barack Obama, claiming that he was not born in the United States without providing any verifiable evidence.
The same pattern is re-emerging as Trump is trying to portray Kamala Harris as a foreigner. He casts doubt on her eligibility to serve in the Vice Presidential role by questioning her birthplace and immigrant parentage. Despite these allegations being baseless and debunked, they resonate with certain sections of his supporter base.
These tactics are a part of a broader pattern of racially motivated attacks by Trump. Many argue this is an attempt to leverage racial anxieties among his core supporters for political gain. Such divisive politics have often been criticized as harmful for unity and progressive dialogue within the country.
In conclusion, the repeated attempts by Trump to unjustifiably label high-ranking Democrats of color as non-Americans (or foreigners) is an echoing pattern in his political strategizing and appears to form a part of his divisive campaign tactics. It’s a strategy many experts claim stokes fear, division, and racism.